Directed by Linda Viel
October 12, 19, 25 & 26 at 8 PM
October 13 & 20 at 2 PM
Here's a sneak peek video (credit: Les Trent)
Winner of the 1937 Pulitzer Prize, this classic from the pens of George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart tells the stories under the roof of the home of the Vanderhofs and Sycamores. Grandpa Vanderhof and his wacky family have been happily living their zany lives in his house by New York’s Columbia University for many years. This family (and their friends) are a madcap group of eccentrics, marching with pride and joy to the beat of their own drum. Their hobbies include collecting snakes, building fireworks in the basement, writing a myriad of plays that never get published, and taking ballet lessons. Things like stress, jobs, and paying taxes to the government are for other people, not for them! But when practical young Alice becomes engaged to her company’s vice president Tony, the Vanderhof/Sycamore clan must straighten up to meet the new in-laws. Disaster ensues when Tony’s family arrives at the wrong time and despite the best laid plans, get to see Alice’s family in all of its crazy glory. The evening rolls to an unexpected result, but concludes with the realization that reinforces the idea that you can only live life to the fullest by doing whatever makes you happy.